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常 見 問 題

  • I’m interested in collaborating with Bulbble Inc., how should I contact you? 我有興趣與 Bulbble Inc.合作,如何與你們聯繫?"
    We are happy to hear from you, regarding any promotion/ joint collaboration ideas, please send us an email: 關於任何合作的想法,歡迎以電郵方式聯絡我們。電郵
  • Where can I buy your products? 我在哪裡可以購買到Bulbble Inc.的產品?
    You may purchase our products through our online shop under "Our Shop" or visit Some of our products are also available at Wanchai Cosmos Books and Citistore (Ma On Shan, Tsuen Wan and Yuen Long Stores) in Hong Kong. 你可以在「商店」或經網站 購買我們的產品。我們的部分產品也可以在灣仔天地圖書和千色店(馬鞍山、荃灣和元朗分店)購買得到。
  • Where can I see your animation? 在哪裡可以看到Bulbble Inc.的動畫?
    Our animations are now available on Youtube. 你可以到Bulbble Inc. 的Youtube頻道觀看我們的動畫。 Bulbble Inc. YouTube Channel:
  • I love your work, where else can I see them? 在哪裡可以看到你們的作品?"
    You may visit the following accounts on Instagram for more of our works: 你可以到 Instagram 瀏覽我們的其他作品: @bulbbleinc @bulbbleinc.draw
  • Do you have WhatsApp/Signal stickers? Bulbble Inc.有推出WhatsApp/ Signal 貼圖嗎?
    Yes, please feel free to download our stickers through the links below: 有的,歡迎到以下網址下載我們的貼圖系列:
  • I can’t find my answer here. 我在這裡找不到想要的答案。
    Please leave us a message directly under "Contact Us" or by email to 請在「聯絡我們」的位置內留言,或通過電子郵件發送訊息至電郵。
  • What is the shipping fee for delivery addresses in Hong Kong? 訂單寄到香港地址的運費是多少?
    We offer free shipping for orders with delivery addresses in Hong Kong. 一般情況下寄到香港地址的訂單,一律是免運費。
  • Can I order from overseas (outside Hong Kong)? 我可以從海外(香港以外)訂購你們的產品嗎?
    Yes, but an additional overseas shipping fee will be charged for orders with delivery addresses outside Hong Kong. The total amount of the additional overseas shipping fee will depend on the weight and delivery address of the order. Please contact us at for more details. 可以,但如果送貨地址在香港以外,我們將會收取額外的海外運費。海外運費的價錢將取決於訂單的重量和送貨地址。請以電郵聯絡我們了解詳情,電郵。
  • How many days does it take before my order gets shipped? 一般的訂單需要多少天才能發貨?
    In general, it usually takes 3-5 working days for your order to be dispatched after the order is confirmed. If you are ordering from overseas with delivery address outside Hong Kong, your order will in general be dispatched within 5-7 working days after the order and the payment of the additional overseas shipping fee are confirmed. 一般情況下,在完成付款和確認訂單後,需要3 - 5個工作日發貨。 如果你是從海外下單,而送貨地址是在香港以外的地區,在完成付款和支付額外的海外運費後,我們會在確認訂單後的5 - 7個工作日發貨。
  • What are the payment methods of the online shop? 網上商店的付款方式是什麼?
    - Credit Card 信用卡 - Paypal - Bank/ATM Transfer 銀行/ 自動櫃員機轉賬 - PayMe - Octopus 八達通 - FPS 轉數快
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